

Matt Williams’ just this guy, you know? He lives in Columbus, OH, plays with his daughter, cooks, roasts coffee, reads books, and hacks Ruby. In previous incarnations he has been, among other things, a Java instructor for Sun, a Kitchen Bard, and King of the May.


Ruby Blender is a site whose goal is to provide snippets and tips about the Ruby language. Not necessarily a cookbook, not necessarily a programming guide. A bit of this, a bit of that, all blended together.


Daily, hopefully.


Here, on this website, of course. You can subscribe to a feed by clicking above.


Because I can. Because I am hoping that this might be of some small use to the Ruby community.


Yes, I admit it. I’m using WordPress. At this point, the Ruby/Rails communities don’t really have a blogging engine that “just works”. And I could write one — I’ve done so before. But, in keeping things DRY, why should I? I have more and better things to do with my time than to write a blogging engine.

I’m also using the excellent plainbox theme by Jay Kwong. Again, why spend time creating a blog theme?

I’m also using the Zemanta plugin — it adds some nice features for linking to related content.

The logo was designed in The Gimp. The ruby is part of the Ruby Logo Kit. The blender is from openclipart.org.

This blog is hosted at drak.net. They have wonderful support and great prices.draknet_ad

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